Breathing spaces

Do you have a breathing space? Do you practice breathing? You are probably thinking that you are breathing. Which you are right, you are. But are you using it to help you relieve stress, for endurance, and to digest better?

If you want to know more, you are definitely in the right place.


Breathing spaces

I started this journey when I wanted to figure out how to relieve my stress and anxiety. I found many resources but the one that changed my life was Dr. Belisa Vranich's book BREATHE. I read it over and over again. I then read Breathing for Warriors. I couldn't believe how I was feeling. I took a step further and became a certified instructor with Dr. Belisa's program. I have incorporated her method into my program and I am sharing it with you in my courses.

Don't believe me?

Give it a try, have an open mind, and you will see.

It's exciting

In 20 minutes I was feeling better, and I couldn't believe how much my breathing had improved. Thank you Toni.


One day at a time

It all starts with you. Take it day by day and small steps lead do make a difference.

Does the thought of slowing down stress you out?

  Slowing down and feeling good
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You deserve it

It is not selfish to take time for yourself daily. It welcomes self-care, and self-love. You can give yourself those things and feel better.